Jennifer Brunner, Ohio Secretary of State
Bobbie Gilbert, Executive Assistant for Jennifer Brunner
Erin Duffy, Scheduler for Jennifer Brunner
Kellye Pinkleton, Director, Voting Rights Institute, Ohio Secretary of State
Kathy Spinelli, Assistant to Kellye Pinkleton
Marc Dann, Ohio Attorney General
Colleen Brown, Executive Assistant to Marc Dann
Jessica Utovich, Scheduler for Marc Dann
Friday, September 7, 2007
Dear Jennifer Brunner, Marc Dann, and Staff,
I am Paddy Shaffer, an Ohio Resident, Artist, Wife, Mother, Election Activist and Investigator, and I write today on behalf of The Ohio Election Justice Campaign. The OEJC started as a simple request for an opportunity to meet with you. This effort has now grown to a national campaign for legal accountability for election crimes in Ohio. The Ohio Election Justice Campaign wants to hear back from your two offices on a date for which we can schedule the three-hour meeting with Jennifer Brunner and Marc Dann. The purpose of the meeting would be to resolve how your offices will investigate the crimes of the 2004 election, as well, those crimes that have happened since need to be addressed. We wish for the Rule of Law to be restored through legal prosecutions. We also ask that your offices provide the public a way to follow your progress in resolving long-standing problems regarding our elections in Ohio. We have planned for a number of speakers from The Ohio Election Justice Campaign in the first hour of this meeting. Hours two and three are for you, Jennifer Brunner, Marc Dann, and your office staff to explain how we can accomplish our mutual goals in restoring the Rule of the Law in Ohio's elections. Finally, within those last two hours, we would also like to have dialog with you on this crucial subject as to how we can proceed together restoring the Rule of Law. We want a way for the public to follow the progress of the investigation and prosecution.
I, along with millions of other voters, listened to the campaign promises of candidates Marc Dann and Jennifer Brunner running for the critical offices of Ohio Attorney General and Ohio Secretary of State. Do you remember them? We were all so hopeful. We were hoping our election problems in Ohio would be resolved. I am enclosing a link that will take you to video of your campaign promises. At this moment, Marc Dann’s portion of the video is available. Soon it will have five parts, including Jennifer Brunner’s campaign promises as well.
What you promise is what we need. Please, just do what you promised!
Dann and Brunner Campaign Promises Video - HYPERLINK ""
I have done everything a citizen can do to help her country… I have personally investigated election crimes, when no law enforcement did the job. I have tried through the former Attorney General Jim Petro and County Prosecutors to get our election laws and public record laws enforced. I have paid for records requests, hundreds of dollars of them, paid my expenses, gasoline, long distance phone calls, and more to investigate these crimes, when no law enforcement would do their job. I pay for this with my grocery money. I have participated in radio call shows, and press conferences, and supplied the media with crime information, for which they generally ignore. I have endured name calling by the media and others, but also the love, appreciation and support of real patriots from across this country, and from other countries who care about democracy. I have made many friends, and probably a few enemies on this journey. I hope we will end up friends because what I want is reasonable.
I want to help you both do the best you can in your current jobs. I keep trying; keep sending you information that should be a great help to your job. I don’t do it to seeking credit. I just want to see you do the work, and you get the credit. I am very frustrated now, you have occupied your office for nine months, and it is almost 2008, another Presidential Election Year… and not much has been resolved. Even the two Cuyahoga County BOE workers, Jacqueline Maiden and Kathleen Dreamer and are getting a new trial, one wonders, will they go to prison for 18 months, or walk away?
I have repeatedly asked for a meeting with both Jennifer Brunner and Marc Dann. I have now formed this group, The Ohio Election Justice Campaign, and because this meeting and issue is so very important.
This is the Theft Of The Office Of The United States Presidential Election, and The Theft Of The Ohio Supreme Court.
What could you be working on
that could be more important than that?
I have many pieces of my ongoing investigation in this rather long letter. I do not do this with a public audience to embarrass, to anger, or to pick a battle. I do this because I do not see any other way of getting your attention, without applying public pressure. You and I both know that I have tried and tried and tried. Please do not hold anger against me. Just help the passionate citizens who have joined me to insist that you bring investigation and legal justice to the election crimes committed in Ohio. That is all I ask, and all I ever asked of you. The office of the Ohio Secretary of State is now sitting on the remaining evidence, over 2200 boxes of evidence of the biggest crime ever perpetrated on our republic. Could you please do something with it? If you do not know how to do it, or what to look for, we probably already have, or have already shared it with you. Most of us in The Ohio Election Justice Campaign used to be just citizens, but now armed with evidence, truth, facts. We investigated the elections when the former AG and SOS, the DOJ, the FBI, the Ohio State Highway Patrol and our media, refused. As victims and witnesses to the greatest crime ever, we citizens took up the gauntlet and did our own investigations. Now, we know how to do investigations and we have done them for you. We want to help you, not alienate or anger you. We have save you a fortune in money, so much of this evidence, as cold cases could not now even be collected. We ask you to look.
It has now been 31 days since the meeting was requested; on August 8th, 2007, and 2008 is only a few short months away. Many additional election crimes have been brought to your attention since that day. There has been no response to the exposure of these crimes, nor to the many crime stories that had already been sent to you, with the exception of a letter from the Attorney General’s office letting me know that there is "nothing to investigate" (attached to this letter). Those stories covered a wide range of topics, from rigged recounts (which got Maiden and Dreamer 18 month prison sentences); theft of the United States Presidency; theft of the Ohio Supreme Court; fake ballots; Warren County Homeland Security Alert; Triad switching out the hard drive on a tabulator prior to the recount; and so much more. It is troubling that with so much in the way of legal work to be done, and the obvious need to let people know your plan of action, there has still been no meeting scheduled. Why do we even have to beg you to for a simple meeting? Last year as both Jennifer and Marc campaigned for Secretary of State and Attorney General; you told us you would take care of this problem. What happened to “Due Diligence?” It is your job to do this investigation and the following needed legal actions.
When I originally talked to Jennifer’s Executive Assistant Bobbie Gilbert, while I was in your office on Monday August 6, 2007, she said meetings were being scheduled out about three weeks (in advance). It has been longer than that, we have not yet met, nor have we even scheduled. It is as though you do not plan to meet with this group, yet I am sure that is not your intention. We hope that is not the case. Many of us remember your campaign promises to deal with these election problems. Tim Kettler, who was also a candidate for Secretary of State with Jennifer, is one of our speakers for this requested meeting. He plans to explain how the Coshocton County Recount was rigged, including the involvement of Pat Wolfe, who still works in the office of the Secretary of State. You should be interested. These issues are so important to the nation, and many hundreds of thousands of people have actually died, as a result of the decisions made by a man sitting in the office of The President Of The United States Of America, a man that was not elected. This is very serious.
During the campaign season, Marc Dann even promised to form an “Election Integrity Division”. I called Marc’s office and spoke with executive assistant, Colleen Brown who said, “We have no Election Integrity Division”. When I told Colleen who I was, and that I was reading through Marc’s campaign promises, and he said he was going to form an Election Integrity Division. Colleen said she would get me help. Then I was put on hold for a long time, what seemed like several minutes passed, and then one of those annoying recorded voices came on for “The Help Center”. The recording played and finished with “all representatives are still assisting other callers.” It played over and over and over… and when I could stand it no more, I hung up and called Colleen back. Now no one answered the phone, and there was not even a way to leave a message. Hmm…. This finished at around 1:45 p.m. on September 5, 2007.
During the 2006 Campaign season Marc Dann had a blog, here is one entry…
Saturday, September 02, 2006
HYPERLINK "" Decision In Registration Case Is a Victory for The Constitution and the State (part of the blogged article below)
At least Ken’s consistent—consistently committed to eroding our democracy.
And there’s one more thing for which we should be thankful: Republican arrogance. They were so sure that they would control every statewide office, including that of attorney general, for another four years that when they passed House Bill 3 they gave the AG the authority to independently investigate and prosecute election law violations for the first time in Ohio history.
They did it because they thought a GOP AG as opposed to voting rights as they are would be a real asset during the 2008 presidential election. Imagine, I’m sure they said, how much easier it will be to keep people we don’t like away from the polls if someone on our side has the power to investigate and prosecute them for having the unmitigated gall to try and vote.
Now imagine how they feel today: Ohioans are on the verge of electing me attorney general. And instead of using the power of the office to keep people away from the polls, I’ll use it to enforce the Voting Rights Act, oppose anti-democratic legislation like HB 3, and ensure that every Ohioan who is eligible and desires to has the opportunity to vote and that every vote cast counts.
That’s not what the Republicans want, but it is what the U.S. and the Ohio Constitution demands. I would like to thank Judge O’Malley for upholding both. And I look forward to the day I take office as Attorney General so I can do the same.
Posted by HYPERLINK "" Marc Dann at 02:55 PM. Filed under: HYPERLINK "" General
Here is another…
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
HYPERLINK "" Dann calls on Bureau of Workers’ Compensation to release internal audit that shows political favors helped reduce some employer’s rates (post in part)
“Once again, the public records law in Ohio is being ignored,” said Senator Dann. “The allegations of impropriety in the BWC are serious and deserve a closer look. By not releasing the audit, it begins to appear as just another cover-up. I have asked Director Mabe to reconsider his decision and release the audit to me by Friday.”
Posted by HYPERLINK "" admin at 09:50 PM. Filed under: HYPERLINK "" General
Marc, I must ask what is happening when your office writes me a letter where they wrote in part, “After reviewing your complaint and the information you provided to Mr. Early, we have decided that there is insufficient evidence to pursue criminal charges relating to these matters.” That letter (attached) now apparently sits in Public Integrity Unit File PIU 07-010 with the large amount of information I sent to your employee on election crime and fraud issues. When I wrote you about this, and about who was this employee, who was Lloyd Early, you emailed me back on August 12, 2007, “Lloyd works for me." Have you as yet looked in that file? Do you agree with the above finding? I have repeatedly sent more information to your office, and to Jennifer’s about election crimes, yet no one even responds. In the above statement you are quoted talking about a Bureau of Workers Compensation cover-up. What do we call the Ohio election mess, if your office, and Brunner’s won’t deal with it? A cover-up? I do not want to believe this.
Marc do you remember in the spring of 2006 when Dr. Richard Hayes Phillips and Paddy Shaffer scheduled a 30 minute meeting with then State Senator, Marc Dann. We provided you with a folder of election crimes we had investigated. Did you look into any of it?
At the recent Secretary of State’s Voting Rights Institute meeting on August 21, 2007 Jennifer Brunner talked to the participants about the missing 2004 election records. Below is what was written in the minutes of the meeting, provided to Paddy Shaffer.
Secretary Brunner then chose to speak to the issue of the 2004 ballots. The 22-month retention requirement for these ballots was over on Sept 2, 2006. The boards were sent an email from a paralegal on Sept 8th with a copy of Judge Marbley’s Sept 7th order attached, but no instructions were provided. On April 9th, Secretary Brunner sent a directive instructing all Boards of Election to send their 2004 ballots to Columbus for safe storage. The regional liaisons assisted in transporting these ballots. In all, 7 counties had no ballots to return. Due to glitches, erroneous information, and accidents, some counties had only partial records. Every county sent an inventory and a letter of explanation to Columbus with the ballots. A major concern was unused ballots. Many of these were destroyed, while voted ballots were kept. This information was all turned over to Judge Marbley. We have had no updates from his court as of today. Secretary Brunner highlighted the importance of her office focusing on the 2008 election.
I question how the word “glitches” can be used to describe any method for which the physical evidence of the theft of the office of the United States President was destroyed or discarded. I have documented 11 times when they knew to keep these records.
Are you aware that to destroy these records after 30 days, which some counties claim to have done… would be on January 1, 2005? The Boxer Rebellion and the date the election was certified were on January 6, 2006. So how can it be OK with Jennifer for them to have already destroyed records? How many of them did this? Will they do it again?
I also must question at this time if Jennifer Brunner has made herself familiar with the Board of Elections records on the missing 2004 records. She has spoken on them, and been quoted in the press saying they did not “intentionally destroy” ballots. The problem with that comment is that in their letters both Warren and Fayette Counties said they “intentionally destroyed” ballots. I have this from your records. This seems like you either do not know what is in the records held by the Secretary of State’s office, or you are misinforming the media and the public
In the above writing from the recent meeting of the Voting Rights Institute it appears from the minutes of the meeting that Jennifer told the participants that, “Every county sent an inventory and a letter of explanation to Columbus with the ballots.” I am familiar with your records. As soon as I read that I knew there seemed to be a problem. First, counties that turned over all their records did not need to submit a letter of explanation, but this is trivial. The bigger item is not. I wrote a record request to your office, requesting the letters of explanation for Columbiana, Coshocton, Darke, Lawrence, Licking, Lorain, Madison, Miami, Morgan, Noble, Summit, Tuscarawas, Wayne, Wood, and Wyandot Counties. This is 15 counties. See, you could only have letters for those counties, if those letters had recently arrived, because I already have all of the others.
According to SOS Elections Council, Brian Green, in a letter dated August 29, 2007,
“Those records you seek do not exist. As such, this office cannot provide them to you. If you have additional concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office.”
Well, I’m contacting you, and I have a concern. So again, either you do not know your offices records, or when you explained to the VRI group that you had all the letters of explanation for all 56 counties, which would give the appearance that you were content with the explanations given for all 56 counties that are missing some or all of their 2004 ballots. So how can you say none of the boards did anything wrong, to the VRI group, and to the media… when you do not have letters from 15 of the counties, and many of the letters you do have are, well frankly, absurd. The bottom line for myself and for many others across this nation is, those are the people’s records, evidence of a major crime against the US and its people. Lots of it was intentionally destroyed. The paper of Richard Hayes Phillips called “Shreds of Evidence” available at HYPERLINK "" , which has previously been given to both the Attorney Generals office and to the Secretary of States office will help you to understand what has happened. They need investigated.
As for the remaining records, after the ongoing court case has finished, for which Judge Marbley ordered those records protected and given to the SOS office, one of your staff told me that those 2004 election records would probably be destroyed. Jennifer, again I remind you, and Marc Dann, the evidence of the theft of the United States Presidential Election and evidence of the theft of the Ohio Supreme Court is in those records. Those are the people’s records. They need sorted into 88 counties, or actually 81 counties, because 7 counties turned over no records. I know that they are not sorted now, but all mixed up. The signature books and poll books need collected from the BOE’s, as I have repeatedly suggested to you. I gave to Jennifer Brunner on August 6th, in person via Bobbie Gilbert an RC-3 form, which is a certificate of disposal form. It was for Clermont County. It documented that they disposed of their signature books this summer, in July, further evidence that Judge Marbley’s ruling is being ignored. When I called Clermont, I was told they sent the signature books and poll books to the SOS office. When I looked at your inventory sheet for Clermont, it does not show signature books and poll books. Have you looked into this? As for those signature books and poll books for the 88 counties, they are an important part of the evidence of this enormous crime. They need inventoried and audited. They need gift wrapped with some of that yellow “crime scene” tape. Please, for the sake of this nation… due diligence. Just do your jobs.
I wrote you earlier about my concern at the same Voting Rights Institute meeting that Keith Cunningham, Director of the Allen County Board of Elections was appointed to a new board. The entry from your minutes of the meeting are below.
Secretary Brunner announced her appointment of 3 people to the Board of Voting Examiners. This group determines the certification of voting machines in Ohio. The new members are: Keith Cunningham, from Allen County, David Moots, from Union County, and Inajo Davis Chappell, from Cuyahoga County.
I addressed and asked for a reply from both the Ohio Secretary of State, and the Ohio Attorney General’s offices about this. Keith Cunningham, Director of the Allen County Board of Elections who is one of many Ohio Election Officials that rigged a Green Party Recount of the 2004 Election. Again, here is the website for the report
Keith also disposed of 2004 election records. I asked that he immediately be removed from this board that will be responsible for certifying the Ohio voting machines. What he has done is a crime. He needs removed from his office and investigated. Instead it has the appearance he was rewarded (after discarding his 2004 ballots) with this new position. I asked for a response from your offices, for feedback on the appointment of Keith Cunningham to this new board. I continue to wait for a response on this matter… Why does no one at your office appear to care?
As for cost, in 2004 Allen County had 139 precincts. That is $1,390.00 that David Cobb, candidate for the United States President, paid for the recount. Keith Cunningham and any members of his board that were involved should personally refund that money. My research is showing rigged recounts across the state. Have the SOS office, or AG office investigated? Then to add additional insult to the many rigged recounts, the Ohio legislature in 3515.07 under “Charges for recounts” in 2006 raises the cost of future recounts up to being as much as $50.00 per precinct. This decision needs reversed, and an apology issued.
I’ve not yet studied Union County, another county for which a member is put on your new board to certify voting machines, but I did find this on the Green Party Recount site.
This is the site for Union County, where the hard drive was switched out of the tabulator which counts the votes, between the election and the recount.
So did David Cobb and the Green and Libertarian Parties get a real recount? Union County had 46 precincts in 2004. That is $460.00 that was paid for the recount. Did the new machine give the same count? I am not comfortable with this. I have a witness that says this happened in about half our counties, the tabulators were altered between the election and the recount. Care to know more?
In the below clip from the Voting Rights Institute, it says that those of you at the VRI in the office of the SOS will do many good things. I hope you will work with the Ohio Election Justice Campaign, and get the issue of election crimes addressed.
Mission Statement:
The Ohio Secretary of State’s office seeks to promote civic participation and a stronger democracy through ensuring every Ohioan’s right to vote in an election system that is free, fair, open and honest.
The Voting Rights Institute will:
• work with communities, partner with organizations and implement programs that will ensure a safe, reliable and trustworthy process that fosters and enhances access to voting in Ohio by all of its eligible citizens,
• act as a clearinghouse to address voter concerns and
• provide leadership on legislative and policy initiatives to accomplish this mission.
For more information, contact Kellye Pinkleton at 614-995-1619 or by HYPERLINK "" e-mail (click to send e-mail).
In closing for this long letter. Please call me and lets schedule our meeting. I now have over 50 people interested in being here for this meeting. I will also send you the new guest list, including the bios for all participants and topics for the speakers. Kellye Pinkleton wrote that she had “space concerns”. Do not worry about that, we will provide a meeting location. Several locations have been looked at, and we are still looking, so that we have plenty of choices when we have a scheduled date. Kellye also wrote to me, and explained to Patricia Axelrod that Jennifer Brunner is too busy to meet, that only staff will be available. That will not be sufficient due to the importance of the topic. If that is still the answer, please provide The Ohio Election Justice Campaign with the schedule of Jennifer Brunner so we can see what she is working on that is so much more important than the theft of the US Presidential office, and the Ohio Supreme Court. I know Jennifer has a fundraiser coming up in Licking County this month. I received an invitation. Maybe something like that could be rescheduled. We are open to days, evening, or even weekends. Fridays are good for most people. We want to work with you. We want justice in Ohio, we were robbed, and thus, the nation was robbed. We must succeed in seeking justice in Ohio.
Sincerely Concerned,
The Ohio Election Justice Campaign
Paddy Shaffer
Founder, The Ohio Election Justice Campaign
(614) 761-0621
Cc: All members of The Ohio Election Justice Campaign
Media members both far and wide
Many American Citizens
American Organizations
People who read what is on the Internet
And more…
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