Note the date, this was written August 31, 2007
New Fear For OHIO... Not Election Fraud, but Tic Tac Fruit.
Group calls for meeting with Ohio Attorney General
and Ohio Secretary of State.
The Ohio Election Justice Campaign
By Paddy Shaffer
Director, Artists Creating Justice
August 31, 2007
Now here is a little ditty from the Thursday August 30, 2007 Columbus Dispatch in an article by James Nash, about Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann and his investigation into "Tic Tac Fruit". Yes you read that right, "Tic Tac Fruit". Some of us are concerned with our massive election problems and the criminals running them. But not our new Attorney General. It is Tic Tac Fruit that has his interest, a gambling machine, like pinball, but you need some skill and you can win money. Well according to the current article, and one of several days ago, it seems to be a big threat to Ohioans. Storeowners don't sound so sure that we are to be scared. According to Talmadge Long, the owner of "Lucky You" a Jeffersonville parlor, he was unsure of his next move, as Marc Dann wants to shut down all these machines in Ohio. Talmadge said, " I'm just a businessman, I don't know what the hell they want me to do."
The quote from Marc Dann in a written statement is,
"We will fight this battle with every necessary resource".
From this article, and a past one I have learned that the Attorney Generals Office has sent out 700 certified letters on this issue, and has the police visiting game parlors. Heck on Wednesday, August 29th investigators went to game parlors in Jeffersonville, Tiffin and Calcutta. Hour’s later Dann's office filed court motions seeking orders to close the businesses for allegedly violating the Consumer Sales Practices Act, which prohibits deceptive marketing.
Marc Dann has called on the public to help report gambling machines to his office through anew toll-free phone number, 1-877-AG4-OHIO (1-877-244-6446), or a new Web site, .
Wow, he wants the public to help!
That is just what this group of citizens is trying to do, but this is on another issue. Theft of the US Presidency should be of a higher priority than Tic Tac Fruit. Activists, Journalists, Filmmakers, and people who want to observer a meeting where the beginning of the justice process for Ohio’s Election Theft will begin. Many have joined with Paddy Shaffer, asking to meet for 3 hours with Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann, and Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner. They have now waited 3 weeks and 2 days, and those offices have not yet scheduled the requested meeting. Why the wait? This project is now called The Ohio Election Justice Campaign.
The group, under the leadership of Paddy and newly formed Artists Creating Justice, are planning for a group of speakers to each briefly address a variety of election issues, and then to have plenty of time for dialog with the Attorney General and Secretary of State. Shaffer and the group have asked that Brunner and Dann have a plan on how together they will begin the investigation of the 2004 election fraud and destruction or records issues. More problems have happened since November of 2004, and some of those will be addressed also, like rigged recounts, many counties are guilty of that. There are just so many problems, what has happened in Ohio has affected the nation, and the world. We look forward to hearing what they intend to do, and reporting it to the world. The group has asked, through Shaffer for a plan to be set up that the public can follow the progress of the investigation, and subsequent legal actions. After what this country has suffered through, we do not want to be told that we can’t know their progress, because it is under investigation. When it is the citizens who have done the investigation for years, and Paddy is one of those investigators, we have earned the right to know how it is proceeding, and it is our only way to know, that it actually is being implemented and followed to completion.
Just imagine if the Ohio Attorney General applied the kind of effort to the Ohio Boards of Elections, that he has applied to the gambling threat of Tic Tac Fruit.
Besides, we did most of the investigation for them. The file at the Ohio Attorney General's office, which has been started by information that Paddy Shaffer provided, with lots of election fraud data, is "Public Integrity Unit File PIU 07-010". It has already been reviewed, yet Associate Attorney General Chelsea Rice has determined with the Attorney Generals Legal Department, and Lloyd Early, Director of Special Investigations for the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation that there is nothing to investigate. Paddy has organized this meeting because of that, and because of Jennifer Brunner’s comments that the Ohio Boards of Elections did nothing wrong in destroying the federally protected 2004 ballots. Over one and a half million are now forever gone, these were evidence.
The Attorney General’s office received this information in late July and early August. Notice that it was only file number 010, or 10. They don't seem too busy to look into election fraud. What will it take to get this meeting scheduled? Public Pressure? 2008 is looming ahead of us, how long can the state of Ohio and the nation wait?
Artists Creating Justice is proud to announce that the following Patriot Americans are all asking to meet with Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner and Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann.
Bev Harris of Blackbox Voting; Paul Lehto Esq. and Ken Karan Esq. - of Phephos;
Blair Bobier Esq. – Media Director for the Green Party 2004 Recount; Gary Flowers of the Black Leadership Forum; Sheri Myers – author of “Cheated!”; Victoria Parks – Ohio Election Investigator; 2006 Election Observer and musician who created “My Vote Don’t Matter Anymore”; Tim Kettler – 2006 Green Party Candidate for Ohio Secretary of State – and witness to rigging of Coshocton County Recount; Richard Hayes Phillips PhD – Ohio Election Investigator, musician, author; Tim Carpenter - Founder and National Director of Progressive Democrats of America; Matt Krous – Producer and filmmaker of “How Ohio Pulled it Off”; Richard Ray Perez – Producer “Why Ohio Counts”, Mary Beth Braun and Jim Huddle of The Ecological Options Network – Producers of "Help America Vote on Paper", "Got Democracy", "A Little Light'll Do Ya, Defending Democracy in America", "Vote Rigging 101", What’s at Stake” , “Getting Over It”; Adele Eisner – Cuyahoga Elections Investigator; Dr. Peter Jones – witness to rigged recount; Jon Craig – Cincinnati Enquirer; Evan Davis – Pacifica Radio and co-producer of Pacifica's 2006 10-part series on elections, "Informed Dissent"; Mark Brown – founder of Congressional Policy Forum; 2006 Election Observer, Marj Creech – Ohio Election Investigator; Pat Mirada – Sierra Club; Sherole Eaton – Whistleblower on Triad; Karla Van Bibbler – witness to multiple election crimes and 2006 Election Observer; Brad Friedman – bradblog; Paul Harmon Esq. – 2004 Judge candidate robbed of his election; Patricia Axelrod – Director Desert Storm Think Tank and Veterans Advocate, weapons system analyst and military scientist for peace, Election Machine Investigator; Dan Stanton – elections activist, Bill Buckel, - former congressional candidate and elections activist, and the group is growing.
Supporting Groups: Election Defense Alliance
We all chose the type of character we will be remembered to be, during this pivotal time in US history.
To inquire about, or to be one of those who observes this meeting contact
Paddy Shaffer at or (614) 761-0621.
Media inquiries welcomed.
Artists Creating Justice owns no stock in Tic Tac Fruit, nor endorses gambling.
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